quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2016

Seasons in Brazil

Brazil, for being a tropical country, has for most of the year, warm weather, but even so, present typical seasons of the southern hemisphere.


December 21 - March 20

Can reach up to 100.4 ° F, the summer of Brazil, is undoubtedly very hot.


March 20 - June 20

Colored ipês, falling leaves, cold temperatures, favorable weather in much of Brazil this season.


June 20 - September 22

Hardly having snow (only in southern Brazil), the Brazilian winter is cold and scarce rainfall, reaching 46.4 ° F in several municipalities.

(São Joaquim - state of Santa Catarina, is one of the municipalities that more snow in the Brazilian winter.)


September 22 - December 21

Flowers beautiful, and warm weather, spring in Brazil is marked by the typical fruit.

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